2013 SOLE Meetings Schedule Friday May 3
7:00 to 8:00 BREAKFAST 8:00 to 9:30 Sessions A -- 1. Education Policy -- Chair: Eric Hanushek, Stanford University Joshua D. Angrist, Sarah R. Cohodes, Susan M. Dynarski, Parag A. Pathak, and Christopher R. Walters: “Stand and Deliver: Post-secondary Outcomes at Boston's Charter High Schools” Stephen Machin and James Vernoit: “Changing School Autonomy: Academy Schools and Their Introduction to England’s Education” Peter Fredriksson, Björn Öckert, and Hessel Oosterbeek: “Inside the Black Box of Class Size Effects: Behavioral Responses to Class Size Variation” 2. Gender Gaps -- Chair: Sandra Black, University of Texas at Austin Ghazala Azmat and Rosa Ferrer: “Gender Gaps in Performance: Evidence from Young Lawyers” Anne C. Gielen, Jessica Holmes, and Caitlin Myers: “Testosterone and the Gender Wage Gap” Tymon Słoczyński: “Population Average Gender Effects” 3. Retirement Behavior -- Chair: David Dorn, CEMFI Stefan Staubli: “Extended Unemployment Benefits and Early Retirement: Program Complementarity versus Program Substitution” Patrick A. Puhani and Falko Tabbert: “Labor Supply Effects of Changes in Pensions – Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Low-Skilled Workers” Andrew Beauchamp and Mathis Wagner: “Dying to Retire: Adverse Selection and Welfare in Social Security?” 4. Immigrant Selectivity and Outcomes -- Chair: Daniele Paserman, Boston University Ted McDonald, Casey Warman, and Christopher Worswick: “Immigrant Selection Systems and Occupational Outcomes of International Medical Graduates in Canada and the United States” Rebecca Lessem, Carnegie Mellon University: “Immigrant Wages and Recessions: Evidence from Undocumented Mexicans” Ana Damas de Matos: “The Careers of Immigrants” 5. Economics of the Family -- Chair: Klaus Zimmermann, IZA Robert A. Pollak: “Allocating Household Time: When Does Efficiency Imply Specialization?” Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Murat Iyigun, Jeanne LaFortune, and Yoram Weiss: “Changing the Rules Midway: The Impact of Granting Alimony Rights on Existing and Newly-Formed Partnerships” Lena Edlund, Elaine M. Liu, and Jin-Tan Liu: “Beggar-Thy-Women: Domestic Responses to Foreign Bride Competition, the Case of Taiwan” 6. Higher Education I -- Chair, William Kerr, Harvard University Sarah Cahodes and Joshua Goodman: “First Degree Earns: The Impact of College Quality on College Completion Rates” John Kennan: “Higher Education Subsidies and Human Capital Mobility” Josh Kinsler and Ronni Pavan: “The Specificity of Human Capital: Evidence from College Major Choice” 7. Place-Based Policies -- Chair: Jeff Smith, University of Michigan Matthew Freedman: “Place-Based Programs and the Geographic Dispersion of Employment” Rob Collinson and Peter Ganong: “Optimal Transfers: Evidence from Housing Vouchers” Jesse Gregory and Sergio Urzúa: “The Impact of Rebuilding Grants and Wage Subsidies on the Resettlement Choices of Hurricane Katrina Victims” 8. Child Care and Child Development -- Chair: Lex Borghans, Maastricht University Peter Gottschalk and Martha Stinson: “The Impact of a Mother's Decision to Work on the Development of a Child’s Human Capital” Natalia Danzer and Victor Lavy: “Parental Leave and Medium-Run Cognitive Child Outcomes: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from a Large Parental Leave Reform” Malte Sandner: “The Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Child Development and Early Skill Formation: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment”
9:30-10:00 Break -- Republic Foyer 10:00-11:45 Invited Sessions B 1. Advances in Empirical Research Using Administrative Data
Raj Chetty: “Linked Administrative Data as a Tool to Study the Long-Term Impacts of Childhood Education Inputs”
John Abowd, “Improved Research Access to Census Bureau Linked Administrative Data via Public-use Products”
Amy Finkelstein: “The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: Evidence from Administrative Data”
2. Recent Developments in Empirical Methodology: Regression Discontinuity Designs Chair and Organizer: Josh Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Matias Cattaneo: “Robust Nonparametric Bias-Corrected Inference in the Regression Discontinuity Design” Yingying Dong: “Regression Discontinuity Applications with Rounding Error in the Running Variable” Josh Angrist: “Wanna Get Away? RD Identification Away from the Cutoff”
Zhuan Pei: “Nonlinear Policy Rules and the Identification and Estimation of Causal Effects in a Generalized Regression Kink Design”
3. Internal Labor Markets Chair and Organizer: Michael Waldman, Cornell University
Valerie Smeets, Michael Waldman, and Frederic Warzynski, “Performance, Career Dynamics, and Span of Control”
Jed DeVaro and Oliver Gurtler: “Strategic Shirking in Promotion Tournaments”
Claudine Gartenberg and Julie Wulf: “Pay Harmony: Peer Comparison and Executive Compensation”
Lisa Kahn and Erika McEntarfer: “Worker Flows over the Business Cycle: the Role of Firm Quality”
4. Schools, Teachers, and Educational Policies
Roland Fryer: “Injecting Successful Charter School Strategies into Traditional Public Schools: Evidence from Houston and Denver”
Jesse Rothstein: “Teacher Quality Policy When Supply Matters”
Doug Staiger: “Have We Identified Effective Teachers? Validating Measures of Effective Teaching Using Random Assignment”
Eric Hanushek: “How Important are School Principals?”
5. The Impacts of Economic Downturns on Health and Well-Being
Marianne Page and Xiahan Zhang: “Long-Term Labor Market Effects of Growing Up in a Recession”
Sandra Black, Paul Devereux, and Kjell Salvanes: “Losing Heart? The Effect of Job Displacement on Health”
12:00-1:30 Lunch -- Republic Ballroom
1:30-3:00 Poster Sessions and Afternoon Break --- Back Bay D Confirmed poster presentations (Only presenter’s name is listed.) A. Education, Health, Family & Children 1. Jan Bietenbeck, CEMFI: “Teaching Practices and Cognitive Skills” 2. Ron Diris, Catholic University Leuven: “The Impact of Early Tracking on Later-life Outcomes: An Instrumental Variables Approach” 3. Christina Felfe, Universität St. Gallen and CESifo: “Can’t Buy Mommy’s Love? Universal Child Care and Children’s Cognitive Long-Term Development” 4. Dora Gicheva, University of North Carolina at Greensboro: “Tax Benefits for Graduate Education: Incentives for Whom?” 5. Matthias Giesecke, Ruhr Graduate School in Economics, “Actuarial Adjustments, Retirement Behaviour, and Worker Heterogeneity” 6. Osea Giuntella, Boston University: “Why Does the Health of Immigrants Deteriorate?” 7. Martin Humburg, Maastricht University: “The Effect of the Big Five Personality Traits on College Major Choice: Evidence from a Dutch longitudinal youth cohort study” 8. Kristiina Huttunen, Aalto University, HECER and IZA: “The Effect of Job Displacement on Couples’ Fertility Decisions” 9. Julian Johnsen, University of Bergen: “Smoking Bans, Maternal Smoking and Birth Outcomes” 10. Mudit Kapoor, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad: “The Impact of Formal And Informal Peers on Academic Performance” 11. Young-Joo Kim, Kingston University: “The Long-run Gradient in Health by Education: Obesity and Overweight” 12. Jee-Yeon K. Lehmann, University of Houston: “Explaining the Birth Order Effect: The Role of Prenatal and Early Childhood Investments” 13. Marc Luppino, U.S. Federal Trade Commission: “College Major Competitiveness and Attrition from the Sciences” 14. Maren M. Michaelsen, Ruhr University: “The Legacy of Conflict: Regional Deprivation and School Performance in Northern Ireland” 15. Lisbeth Palmhøj Nielsen, Danish National Center for Social Research and Aarhus University: “The Effect of Maternal Employment on Children’s School Performance in 9th Grade” 16. Torsten Santavirta, Stockholm University: “Does Placing Children in Out-of-home Care Increase Their Adult Criminality?” 17. Herdis Steingrimsdottir, Copenhagen Business School: “The Pill and Men's Disappearance from the Teaching Sector” 18. Steven Stillman, University of Otago: “Aircraft Noise, Health, and Residential Sorting: Evidence from Two Quasi-experiments” 19. Owen Thompson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst: “The Intergenerational Transmission of Health: Estimates and Mechanisms” 20. Felix Weinhardt, London School of Economics: “Top of Class: the Effect of Rank Position on Later Student Achievement” 21. Miriam Wüst, Aarhus University: “Can caesarean section improve child and maternal health? The case of breech babies” B. Labor Markets: Wages, Unemployment, and Labor Market Institutions 1. Bodo Aretz, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim: “What Explains the Decline in Wage Mobility in the German Low-Wage Sector?” 2. Gabriele Cardullo, University of Genova: “Sunk Capital, Unions and the Hold-Up Problem: Theory and Evidence from Sectoral Data” 3. Michael Bernard Coelli, University of Melbourne: “Family Friendly Occupations and the US Gender Wage Gap” 4. Andreas Fagereng, Statistics Norway: “Cash-on-Hand and the Duration of Job Search: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Norway” 5. Getinet Haile, University of Nottingham and IZA: “Union Decline in Britain: Is Chauvinism Also to Blame?” 6. Sachiko Kazekami, Chukyo University: “Do the Activities of Overseas Affiliated Companies Promote Japanese Employment?” 7. Annabelle Krause, IZA: “Don’t Worry, Be Happy? Happiness and Re-Employment” 8. Fernando Martins, Banco de Portugal: “Wage rigidity and employment adjustment at the firm level: Evidence from survey data” 9. Kristin McCue, U.S. Census Bureau: “Workplace Characteristics and Employment of Older Workers” 10. Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Which Job Skills Are Complementary to IT Adoption and Use?” 11. Nico Pestel, IZA and University of Cologne: “Beyond Inequality Accounting: Couple Sorting and Labor Supply in West Germany” 12. Joshua Pinkston, University of Louisville: “The Dynamic Effects of Obesity on the Wages of Young Workers” 13. Achim Schmillen, IAB and IOS: “The Scars of Youth –Effects of Early-Career Unemployment on Future Unemployment Experiences” 14. Daniel D. Schnitzlein, DIW Berlin: “Wage Mobility in East and West Germany” 15. Anders Stenberg, Stockholm University: “Domestic Services and Female Earnings - Panel Microdata Evidence from a Reform” 16. Eliana Viviano, Bank of Italy: “Temporary Workers, Uncertainty and Productivity” 17. Ronald S. Warren, University of Georgia: “Intra-Firm Wage Bargaining and Employee Hold-Up: A Test of the Over-Employment Hypothesis” C. Labor Market Policy, Immigration, Networks, and Crime 1. Yukiko Asai, University of Tokyo: “Parental Leave Reforms and the Employment of New Mothers: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Japan” 2. Louis-Philippe Béland, University of Montreal: “Political Parties and Labor Market Outcomes. Evidence From U.S. States” 3. René Böheim, Johannes Kepler University Linz: “Firms’ Moral Hazard in Sickness Absences” 4. Julia Bredtmann, Ruhr University Bochum: “The Role of Source- and Host-Country Characteristics in Female Immigrant Labor Supply” 5. Inés Hardoy, Institute for Social Research, Oslo: “Getting Disabled Workers Back to Work – How Important are Economic Incentives?” 7. Ingo Isphording, Ruhr-University Bochum: “The Returns to Language Skills in the US Labor Market” 8. Lukas Kauer, University of St.Gallen: “The Effect of Disability Insurance Benefit Cuts on Labor Supply within the Household” 9. Ayako Kondo, Yokohama National University: “The Effects of Elderly Employment Stabilization Law on Labor Supply and Employment Status” 10. Mark J. Kutzbach, U.S. Bureau of the Census: “Do Labor Market Networks Have An Important Spatial Dimension?” 11. Lena Nekby, Stockholm University: “Spousal Joint Retirement: A Reform Based Approach to Identifying Spillover Effects” 12. Susan Niknami, Stockholm University: “The Effect of Relative Income Differences on Crime: Evidence from Micro-data” 13. Dario Pozzoli, Aarhus University: “Ethnic Diversity and Firms’ Exporting Behavior” 14. Simone Schüller, IZA: “The Effects of 9/11 on Attitudes Toward Immigration and the Moderating Role of Education” 15. Conny Wunch, VU University Amsterdam: “Unemployment Insurance and Departures from Employment: Evidence from a German Reform”
3:00-5:00 Sessions C 1. Impacts of Immigration -- Chair: Joe Altonji, Yale University William Kerr, Sari Pekkala Kerr, and William F. Lincoln: “Skilled Immigration and the Employment Structures and Innovation Rates of U.S. Firms” Julie Hotchkiss, Myriam Quispe-Agnoli and Fernando Rios-Avila: “The Wage Impact of Undocumented Workers” Patricia Cortés and Jessica Pan: “Foreign Nurse Importation and the Supply of Native Nurses” Joan Llull: “The Effect of Immigration on Wages: Exploiting Exogenous Variation at the National Level” 2. Economics of Organizations -- Chair: John Abowd, Cornell University Marianna Marino, Pierpaolo Parrotta and Dario Pozzoli: “Educational Diversity and Knowledge Transfers via Inter-Firm Labor Mobility” Tatu Westling: “Corporate Structure and Globalization: an Inspection of a Multinational” Kurt Lavetti, Carol Simon, and William D. White: “Buying Loyalty: Theory and Evidence from Physicians” Oana Borcan, Mikael Lindahl, and Andreea Mitrut: “The Impact of an Unexpected Wage Cut on Corruption: Evidence from a ‘Xeroxed’ Exam” 3. Marriage, Family, and Labor Supply -- Chair: Shelly Lundberg, University of California, Santa Barbara Pierre-André Chiappori, Bernard Salanié, and Yoram Weiss: “Partner Choice and the Marital College Premium” Elena Stancanelli: “Retiring Together or Apart: A Twofold Regression Discontinuity Study of Spouses’ Retirement and Hours of Work Outcomes” Lihan Liu: “Assortative Matching vs. Complementarity: Which Drives the Correlation of Hours Worked by Young Couples?” Fabián Slonimczyk, International College of Economics and Finance, Moscow: “Assessing the Impact of the Maternity Capital Policy in Russia Using a Dynamic Stochastic Model of Fertility and Employment” 4. Labor Markets and Development -- Chair: David Dorn, CEMFI Lídia Farré and Francesco Fasani: “Media Exposure and Internal Migration - Evidence from Indonesia” Taryn Dinkelman: “Can Spatial Mobility Insure Families against Long-term Impacts of Economic Shocks? Evidence from Drought and Disability in South Africa” Jairo G. Isaza Castro, Universidad de La Salle at Bogotá, and Barry Reilly: “Female Intensity, Trade Reforms and Capital Investments in Colombian Manufacturing Industries: 1981-2000” Laura Zimmermann: “Labor Market Impacts of a Large-Scale Public Works Program: Evidence from the Indian Employment Guarantee Scheme” 5. Economics of Education I -- Chair: Eric Hanushek, Stanford University Amanda L. Griffith and Kevin N. Rask: “The Importance of Aid and Institutional Expenditures for the Matriculation Decision of High-Ability Students” Hongliang Zhang: “The Mirage of Elite Schools: Evidence from Lottery-based School Admissions in China” Hugo Reis: “Girls School Attendance: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Approach” Marianna Battaglia and Lara Lebedinski: “Equal Access to Education: An Evaluation of the Roma Teaching Assistant Programme in Serbia” 6. Networks and Peer Effects -- Chair: Paul Oyer, Stanford University Effrosyni Adamopoulou: “Peer Effects in Young Adults’ Marital Decisions” Delia Furtado and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos: “Immigrant Networks and the Take-Up of Disability Programs: Evidence from US Census Data” Claudia Olivetti and Eleonora Patacchini: “Mothers and Friends: Intergenerational Preference Transmission and Women's Work Choices” Sarada and Oana Tocoian: “The Success of Entrepreneurial Networks: Evidence from Brazil” 7. Macro Labor -- Chair, Daniel Hamermesh, University of Texas at Austin Heiko Stueber: “Real Wage Cyclicality of Newly Hired Workers” Mariana Kudlyak, Damba Lkhagvasuren and Roman Sysuyev: “Sorting by Skill over the Course of Job Search” Luis Díez Catalán and Ernesto Villanueva: “Collective Bargaining and Unemployment during the Great Recession: Evidence for Spain” Kurt Mitman and Stanislav Rabinovich: “Do Changes in Unemployment Insurance Explain the Emergence of Jobless Recoveries?” 8. Social Insurance Programs -- Chair: Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University Lucie Schmidt, Lara Shore-Sheppard, and Tara Watson: “The Effect of Safety Net Programs on Food Insecurity” Olivier Bargain and Karina Doorley: “Putting Structure on the RD Design: Social Transfers and Youth Inactivity in France” Kavan Kucko and Johannes Schmieder: “The Welfare Effects of Welfare and Tax Reform during the Great Recession” Norma B. Coe and Kalman Rupp: “Does Access to Health Insurance Influence Work Effort Among Disability Insurance Recipients?”
5:15 to 6:30 -- Republic Ballroom 6:30 to 8:00 -- Cocktail Reception
SATURDAY MAY 4TH8:00-9:30 Sessions D 1. Personnel Economics -- Chair: David Autor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Brian Bell and John Van Reenen: “Firm Performance and Wages: Evidence from Across the Corporate Hierarchy” Ji-Young Ahn and Craig A. Olson: “CEO Pay and Firm Performance: The Role of CEO-Firm Match Quality” Kerry L. Papps: “Productivity over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Professional Baseball” Anders Frederiksen, Ben Kriechel, and Fabian Lange: “Subjective Performance Evaluations and Employee Careers” 2. Economics of Fertility -- Chair: Peter Gottschalk, Boston College Andreas Madestam and Emilia Simeonova: “Children of the Pill: The Effect of Subsidizing Oral Contraceptives on Children’s Health and Wellbeing” Lisa Schulkind: “The Timing of Teenage Births and the Economic Returns to Education” Sarah LaLumia, James M. Sallee and Nicholas Turner: “New Evidence on Taxes and the Timing of Birth” 3. School Choice -- Chair: Trudie Schils, Maastricht University Karin Edmark, Markus Frölich, and Verena Niepel: “The Short- and Long-Term Effects of School Choice on Student Outcomes - Evidence from a School Choice Reform in Sweden” Juan A. Correa, David Inostroza, Francisco Parro, Loreto Reyes, and Gabriel Ugarte: “The Effects of Vouchers on Academic Achievement: Evidence from the Chilean Preferential Scholastic Subsidy” Rachana Bhatt: “Home School Rights and the Rise of Homeschooling in the U.S.” 4. College, Ability and Earnings -- Chair: Joe Altonji, Yale University Brad Hershbein: “Worker Signals Among New College Graduates: The Role of Selectivity and GPA” Martin Nybom: “College Choice, Abilities and Lifetime Earnings: a Local IV Approach with Swedish Registry Data” Joanne Lindley and Steven Machin: “Spatial Changes in the College Wage Premium” 5. Job Loss, Downturns, and Careers -- Chair: Jed DeVaro, California State University, East Bay Jérôme Adda, Christian Dustmann, Costas Meghir, and Jean-Marc Robin: “Career Progression, Economic Downturns, and Skills” Péter Hudomiet: “Occupations Over the Business Cycle” Pedro Santo Raposo: “Determinants of Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers” 6. Parental Circumstances and Child Outcomes -- Chair: Robert Pollak, Washington University of St. Louis Dana Rotz: “The Impact of Legal Abortion on the Wage Distribution: Evidence from the 1970 New York Abortion Reform” Chinhui Juhn, Yona Rubinstein, and Andrew Zuppann: “The Quantity-Quality Tradeoff and the Formation of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills” Shuang Zhang: “Mother's Education and Infant Health: Evidence from High School Closures in China” 7. Labor Markets and Regulations -- Chair: Henry Farber, Princeton University E. Mark Curtis, Barry Hirsch, and Mary C. Schroeder: “Evaluating Workplace Mandates with Flows versus Stocks: An Application to California Paid Family Leave” Daniel Chen and Susan Yeh: “Growth under the Shadow of Expropriation? The Economic Impacts of Eminent Domain” Yao Pan: “The Positive Effect of Labor Mobility Restrictions on Human Capital Accumulation in China” 8. Field Experiments in Labor Economics -- Chair: Ioana Marinescu, University of Chicago Stefan Eriksson, Per Johansson and Sophie Langenskiöld: “What Is the Right Profile for Getting a Job? A Stated Choice Experiment of the Recruitment Process” Iryna Rud, Maastricht University: “The Effect of a Dutch Alternative Punishment Program on Future Educational Outcomes” Leandro Carvalho and Silvia Helena Barcellos : “Self-Control Awareness and Intertemporal Choice Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment” 9:30-10:00 Break -- Republic Foyer 10:00-12:00 Sessions E 1. Labor Market Matching -- Chair: Thomas Lemieux, University of British Columbia Ioana Marinescu and Ronald Woltho: “Wages, Applications, and Skills” Stephen Burks, Bo Cowgill, Mitchell Hoffman, and Michael Houseman: “The Value of Hiring through Referrals” Edward P. Lazear and James R. Spletzer: “Firing and Hiring” John J. Horton: “Computer-Mediated Matchmaking: Facilitating Employer Search and Screening” 2. Gender and Careers -- Chair: Janet Currie, Princeton University Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz: “The Most Egalitarian of All Professions: Pharmacy and the Evolution of a Family-Friendly Occupation” Nikolay Angelov, Per Johansson, and Erica Lindahl: “Is the constant gender gap in income and wages due to unequal family responsibilities?” Jane Leber Herr: “Understanding the Mechanism of the Return to Delayed First Birth” Catherine J. Weinberger: “Opting In and Out: Conditional and Unconditional Trends in Women’s Transitions, and the Emergence of High-Paid Labor Force Reentry” 3. Impacts of Early Life Shocks -- Chair: Sandra Black, University of Texas at Austin Martin Halla and Martina Zweimüller: “The Social Gradient in the Impact of the Chernobyl Accident: The Case of Austria” Sandra E. Black, Aline Bütikofer, Paul Devereux, Kjell G. Salvanes: “This Is Only a Test? Long-Run Impacts of Prenatal Exposure to Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Weapon Testing” Maria Rosales: “Family Investment Responses to Childhood Health Conditions: Intrafamily Allocation of Resources” Dara N. Lee: “The Impact of Childhood Health on Adult Educational Attainment: Evidence from Mandatory School Vaccination Laws” 4. Evaluating Education and Training Programs -- Chair: Jeff Smith, University of Michigan Benoit Dostie: “Do Train-or-Pay Schemes Really Increase Training Levels?” Pushkar Maitra and Subha Mani: “Learning and Earning: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in India” Gabrielle Fack and Julien Grenet: “Means-Tested Grants and Students' Higher Education Decisions in France: a Regression Discontinuity Approach” Stefan Bender, Bernd Fitzenberger, Marina Furdas, and Olga Orlanski: “Do Policy Reforms Change the Probability of Treatment? Evidence for Further Training Programs in Germany” 5. Economics of Education II -- Chair: Kevin Lang, Boston University Elizabeth Dhuey and Justin Smith: “How School Principals Influence Student Learning” Timothy N. Bond and Kevin Lang: “The Evolution of the Black-White Test Score Gap in Grades K-3: The Fragility of Results” Iftikhar Hussain: “Not Just Test Scores: Parents’ Demand Response to School Quality Information” Mike Helal: “School Resources, Autonomy and Student Achievement: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design” 6. Taxes and Transfers -- Chair: Dan Black, University of Chicago and NORC Philipp Doerrenberg and Denvil Duncan: “Experimental Evidence on the Relationship between Tax Evasion Opportunities and Labor Supply” Erlend Eide Bø, Joel Slemrod, Thor O. Thoresen: “Taxes on the Internet: Deterrence Effects of Public Disclosure” Julie Berry Cullen and Lucie Schmidt: “Growth in the Supplemental Security Income Program for Children: The Role of Local Jurisdictions and Fiscal Incentives” Maggie R. Jones: “The EITC and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Regression Kink Design” 7. Labor Market Measurement Issues -- Chair: Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley Jonathan Fisher and Christina Houseworth: “Occupation Inflation in the Current Population Survey” Christopher Bollinger, Charles Hokayem and James P. Ziliak: “The Role of CPS Non-Response on Trends in Poverty and Inequality” Antti Kauhanen and Mika Maliranta: “Micro-Components of Aggregate Wage Dynamics” Graton Gathright and Holly A. Monti: “Measuring earnings instability using survey and administrative data” 8. Unemployment Insurance -- Chair, Daniel Hamermesh, University of Texas, Austin David D. Ratner: “Unemployment Insurance Experience Rating and Labor Market Dynamics” Henry S. Farber and Rob Valletta: “Do Extended Unemployment Benefits Lengthen Unemployment Spells? Evidence from Recent Cycles in the U.S. Labor Market” Thomas Le Barbanchon: “The Effect of the Potential Duration of Unemployment Benefits on Unemployment Exits to Work and Match Quality in France” Marios Michaelides: “Are Reemployment Programs Effective in Periods of High Unemployment? Experimental Evidence from the UI System” 12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30 to 3:30 Sessions F 1. (Special Invited Session) The Labor Market in the Great Recession and Beyond -- Chair: Klaus Zimmermann, IZA Edward P. Lazear: “A New Normal for Labor Markets? An Examination of Employment and Productivity” Kerwin Charles, Erik Hurst, and Matthew Notowidigdo: “Manufacturing Decline, Housing Booms, and Nonemployment” John Haltiwanger: “Reallocation in the Great Recession: Cleansing or Not?” Johannes Schmieder, Till Van Wachter, and Stefan Bender: “The Effect of Unemployment Insurance Extensions on Reemployment Wages” 2. Higher Education II -- Chair: John Kennan, University of Wisconsin Amanda Agan, University of Chicago: “Disaggregating the Returns to College” Jonathan Smith: “Ova and Out: Using Twins to Estimate the Educational Returns to Attending a Selective College” Peter Hinrichs: “An Empirical Analysis of Racial Segregation in Higher Education” Peter Arcidiacano and Cory Koedel: “Race and College Success: Evidence from Missouri” 3. Labor Market Networks -- Chair: Peter Fredriksson, Stockholm University Manuel Bagues and Natalia Zinovyeva: “The Role of Connections in Academic Promotions” Rachel Heath: “Why Do Firms Hire Using Referrals? Evidence from Bangladeshi Garment Factories” Lena Hensvik and Oskar Nordström Skan: “Social Networks, Employee Selection and Labor Market Outcomes: Toward an Empirical Analysis” Ian Schmutte: “Why it Matters Who You Know: Evidence on the Mechanisms Underlying Job Referral” 4. Crime -- Chair: Jérôme Adda, European University Institute Chandler B. McClellan and Erdal Tekin: “Stand Your Ground Laws, Homicides, and Injuries” Kevin T. Schnepel: “Labor Market Opportunities and Crime: Evidence from Parolees” Daniel Chen: “The Deterrent Effect of the Death Penalty? Evidence from British Commutations during World War I” Marjorie McElroy: “Do Concealed Gun Permits Deter Crime? New Results from a Dynamic Model” 5. Technology, Trade, and Labor Markets -- Chair: David Autor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology David H. Autor, David Dorn, and Gordon H. Hanson: “Untangling Trade and Technology: Evidence from Local Labor Markets” Manisha Goel: “Skills, Transaction Costs, and Offshored Tasks: Implications for Wage Inequality in Developing Countries” Wolfgang Dauth, Sebastian Findeisen, and Jens Suedekum: “The Rise of the East and the Far East: German Labor Markets and Trade Integration” Charlotte Senftleben and Hanna Wielandt: “The Polarization of Employment in German Local labor Markets” 6. Behavioral Labor Economics and Preferences -- Chair: Janet Currie, Princeton University Bart Golsteyn, Hans Grönqvist, and Lena Lindahl: “Time Preferences and Lifetime Outcomes” Alex Bryson and George McKerron: “Are You Happy While You Work?” Ingvild Almås, Alexander W. Cappelen, Erik Ø. Sørensen, Kjell Salvanes, and Bertil Tungodden: “Willingness to Compete: Family Matters” Lena Nekby, Peter Thoursie, and Lars Vahtrik : “Examination Behavior -- Gender Differences in Preferences?” 7. Intergenerational Transmission -- Chair: Marianne Page, University of California, Davis Matthew J. Lindquist, Joeri Sol and Mirjam van Praag: “Why Do Entrepreneurial Parents Have Entrepreneurial Children?” Claudia Olivetti, M. Daniele Paserman, and Laura Salisbury: “Intergenerational Mobility across Three Generations in the 19th Century: Evidence from the US Census” Silke Anger and Daniel D. Schnitzlein: “Like Brother, Like Sister? – The Importance of Family Background for Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills” Mikael Lindahl, Mårten Palme, Sofia Sandgren Massih, and Anna Sjögren: “The Intergenerational Persistence of Human Capital: An Empirical Analysis of Four Generations” 8. Learning, Sorting, and Matching -- Chair: Paul Oyer, Stanford University Pascal Courty and Gerald Marschke: “On the Sorting of Physicians Across Medical Occupations” Hugh Cassidy, Jed DeVaro, Antti Kauhanen: “The Signaling Role of Promotions: New Evidence from European Firms” Christina Håkanson, Erik Lindqvist, and Janos Vlachos: “Firms and Skills: The Evolution of Worker Sorting” Ron A. Laschever: “Two-Sided Interview Schedules and Employment Outcomes: Evidence from the Choices of Recruiters and Job Applicants” 3:30-4:00 Break 4:00-5:30 Sessions G 1. Immigration -- Chair: Daniele Paserman, Boston University Peter McHenry: “Immigration and the Human Capital of Natives” Javier Ortega and Gregory Verdugo: “The Impact of Low Skill Immigration on Blue Collar Workers: Panel Data Evidence” Jeanne LaFortune, Carolina González-Velosa, and José Tessada: “More Hands, More Power? The Impact of Immigration on Farming and Technology Choices in US Agriculture in Early 20th Century” 2. Discrimination, Perception, and Policy -- Chair: Daniel Chen, ETH Zurich Francisca Antman and Brian Duncan: “Incentives to Identify: Ethnic Identification and Affirmative Action in College Admissions” Ali M. Ahmed, Lina Andersson, and Mats Hammarstedt: “Sexual prejudice and labor market outcomes among gays and lesbians” Michael Mueller-Smith: “Discrimination with Concealable Characteristics: A Study of Sexual Orientation in the United States” 3. Housing and Labor Markets -- Chair: William Kerr, Harvard University Christopher F. Goetz: “Falling House Prices and Labor Mobility: Evidence From Matched Employer-Employee Data” Brian C. Cadena and Brian K. Kovak: “Immigration, Internal Migration, and Local Labor Market Adjustment Following the U.S. Housing Bust” Jorge De la Roca and Diego Puga: “Learning by Working in Big Cities” 4. Empirical Methodology -- Chair: Matthew Notowidigdo, University of Chicago Adrián de la Garza, Banco de México: “The Relative Utility Hypothesis With and Without Self-reported Reference Wages” Mike Brewer, Thomas F. Crossley, and Robert Joyce: “Inference in Difference-in-Differences Revisited” Martin Huber and Giovanni Mellace: “Relaxing monotonicity in the identification of local average treatment effects” 5. Wage and Compensation Inequality -- Chair: John Abowd, Cornell University Maury Gittleman: “Pay for Performance and Compensation Inequality: Evidence from the ECEC” Cindy Zoghi and Robert Mohr: “Within-Firm Wage Compression and Job Skills in the National Compensation Survey” Mario Centeno and Álvaro A. Novo: “When Supply Meets Demand: Wage Inequality in Portugal” 6. Minimum Wage -- Chair: Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University David Neumark, J.M. Ian Salas, and William Wascher: “Revisiting the Minimum Wage-Employment Debate: Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater?” Peter Dolton, Chiara Rosazza Bondibene, and Michael Stops: “Identifying the Employment Effect of Invoking and Changing the Minimum Wage: A Spatial Analysis of the UK” Bodo Aretz, Melanie Arntz, and Terry Gregory: “The Minimum Wage Affects Them All: Evidence on Employment Spillovers in the Roofing Sector” 7. Fertility Choices and Child Outcomes -- Chair: Claudia Olivetti, Boston University Eva Garcia-Moran: “Fecundity Differentials and Child Custody” Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel and Daniel Rosenblum: “The Indian Ultrasound Paradox” Teny Maghakian and Lisa Schulkind: “What a Difference a Day Makes: Quantifying the Effects of Birth Timing Manipulation on Infant Health” 8. Economics of Personality -- Chair: Yoram Weiss, Tel Aviv University Bas ter Weel and Tyas Prevoo: “The Importance of Early Conscientiousness for Socio-Economic Outcomes” Lex Borghans and Trudie Schils: “Low stakes, high stakes: the predictive power of math achievement tests” Andrew McGee and Peter McGee: “Whoever You Want Me to Be: Personality and Incentives” The conference ends at 5:30. There are no closing events.
Note: We received 513 submissions. The committee accepted 164 submissions for regular sessions and 100 for poster sessions. |