Fourth World Conference SOLE - EALE 2015
The European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) and the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) are proud to announce their 4th joint meeting. The event will take place during 26-28 June 2015 at Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth hotel, Montréal, Canada.
The aim of the conference is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and research results in the field of labor economics. You are invited to submit papers for this conference according to the list of themes below. A scientific committee will evaluate all submitted papers.
Invited lectures: Adam Smith lecture: Jean-Marc Robin, Sciences Po, Paris, France Albert Rees lecture: Enrico Moretti, University of California, USA Presidential Address SOLE: Janet Currie, Princeton University, USA Presidential Address EALE: Christian Dustmann, University College London, UK
Invited sessions:
1. The Great Recession Chair: TBD Speakers: Thomas Lemieux, University of British Columbia Michael Elsby, University of Edinburgh Tito Boeri, Universita Bocconi
2. Early Childhood Development and the Labor Market Chair: TBD Speakers: Sandra Black, University of Texas, Austin Uta Schoenberg, University College London
3. Peer Effects in the Labor Market Chair: Fabian Lange, McGill University Speakers: Alexandre Mas, Princeton University Fabian Waldinger , University of Warwick
4. New Developments in the Economics of Education Chair: Ian Walker, Lancaster University Speakers: Caroline Hoxby, Stanford University Steven Machin, London School of Economics
5. Technology, Inequality and Innovation Chair: David Green, University of British Columbia Speakers: David Autor, MIT Alan Manning, London School of Economics
6. Theory and Evidence in Labor Economics Chair: Edward Lazear, Stanford University Speakers: W. Bentley MacLeod, Columbia University Joshua Angrist, MIT
7. New Approaches to Measuring Entrepreneurship -- Sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Speakers: Audrey Light, Ohio State University John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland/Bureau of the Census
8. New Data Chair: TBD Speakers: Kjell Salvanes (Scadanavian data) John Abowd (Census) Stefan Bender (German Institute for Employment Research)
Local organising committee:
Fabian Lange, McGill University Daniel Parent, HEC Montréal
Instructions for paper submission:
The electronic submission form is now open for your paper contribution and will close after the deadline of December 15, 2014 at 23:59 Central European time. The link below will lead you automatically through the electronic process of the paper submission. Only complete (draft) papers will be considered. Please complete all the required fields and enclose your complete paper as one pdf file (no tables, figures, etc. as separate files). You will receive a confirmation e-mail message after your submission has been completed.
EALE members may submit at this site.
You can submit through either SOLE or EALE but note that no more than one submission by the same author will be considered. Please take into account that your paper can be assigned to either a poster or parallel session.
Acceptance decisions will be communicated by the week of February 1, 2015. The conference registration site will be open from the 1st of February 2015 as well. The accepted papers will be made available for downloading from the conference site. Your paper revisions can be uploaded anytime and should be sent to the secretariat before May 1, 2015.
For questions, please contact us at [email protected]
List of Themes and JEL-Codes:
Family, Marriage and work (D13, J12, J13, J16)
Labour Market Discrimination (J7, J15, J16, J42)
Retirement (J14, J26)
Program and Policy evaluation (C21, J18, J38)
Labour supply (H2, J21, J22)
Labour demand (J21, J23)
Occupational choice and Intergenerational Mobility (J24, J44, J62)
Education, Training and Human Capital (J24, J31, I2)
Health (I1)
Job and Life Satisfaction (J28)
Wage Inequality and Mobility (J31)
Personnel Economics (J32, J33, M5, M12)
Trade Unions and Bargaining (J5)
Unemployment (J6)
Migration and Regional Labour Markets (F22, J43, J61, R23, R58)
Labour Markets in Transition Economies (P2, P3)
Welfare, Income Distribution and Poverty (D3, I3)
Labour Markets and Crime (K4)