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Floor Plan Friday, May 3
7:00 Registration 7:00 Breakfast -- Salon 4
8:00-9:30: A Sessions
A1. Active Labor Market Policies -- Studio A Chair:Konstantinos Tatsiramos,University of Luxembourg Gerard J. van den Berg, Christine Dauth,Pia Homrighausen, and Gesine Stephan: “Informing employees of small and medium sized firms about training subsidies: results of a randomized field experiment” Kai Liuand Antonio Dalla Zuanna: "Understanding Program Complementarities: Estimating the Dynamic Effects of a Job Training Program with Multiple Alternatives" René Böheim, Rainer Eppel, and Helmut Mahringer: “Lower caseloads of placement officers and unemployment outcomes: New evidence from an Austrian Field experiment”
A2. Childhood Development I -- Salon 1 Chair:Sergio Urzua, University ofMaryland Claudia Persicoand Joanna Venator: “The Effects of Local Industrial Pollution on Students and Schools” Sonia Bhalotra,Ryan Brown, and Atheendar S. Venkataramani: “The Impact of Access to Clean Water on Cognitive and Physical Development: Evidence from Mexico’sPrograma de Agua Limpia” FanWang, Esteban Puentes, Jere Behrman, and Flavio Cunha: “You Are What Your Parents Think: Height and Local Reference Points”
A3. Attitude Formation and Cultural Assimilation -- Salon 2 Chair:Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes,San Diego University Pascal Achard:Ethnic enclaves and cultural behavior: Quasi-experimental evidence” Lars Hornuf, Marc Oliver Rieger, andSven Hartmann: “Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany” Shuai Chen:“Unemployment, Immigration, and Populism: Evidence from Two Quasi-Natural Experiments in the United States”
A4. Gender Norms and Attitudes -- Salon 3 Chair:Brian McCall,University of Michigan Núria Rodríguez-Planas,Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano, and Anastasia Terskaya: “Independent Thinking and Hard Working, or Caring and Well Behaved? Short- and Long-Term Impacts of Gender Identity Norms” Enghin Atalayand Lisa B. Kahn: “Gender Targeting in U.S. Newspaper Ads: 1940-2000” Conrad Miller, Jennifer Peck, and Mehmet Seflek:“Big Push Policies and Overcoming Firm-Level Barriers to Female Integration: Evidence from Saudi Arabia”
A5. Employer Learning -- Salon 5 Chair:Henry Hyatt,U.S. Census Bureau Anne Toft Hansen, Ulrik Hvidman, andHans Henrik Sievertsen: “Grades and Employer Learning” Sylvie Démurger, Eric A. Hanushek, and Lei Zhang: “Employer Learning and the Dynamics of Returns to Universities: Evidence from Chinese Elite Education during University Expansion” Tuomo Virkola: “Internships and Talent Allocation”
A6. Higher Ed Outcomes I -- Salon 6 Chair:Ian Walker,Lancaster University Daniel Herbst: “Liquidityand Insurance in Student Loan Contracts: Estimating the Effects of Income-Driven Repayment on Default and Consumption” Christian Belzil,Arnaud Maurel, and Modibo Sidibé: “Estimating the Value of Higher Education Financial Aid: Evidence from a Field Experiment” Rajashri Chakrabarti, Nicole Gorton, and Michael F. Lovenheim: “The Effect of State Funding for Postsecondary Education on Long-Run Student Outcomes”
A7. Police Behavior -- Salon 7 Chair:Samuel Norris,University of Chicago Anna Bindlerand Randi Hjalmarsson: “The Impact of the First Professional Police Forces on Crime” Yuhan Xueand Nicholas Lovett: “Can Police Presence Deter Crime Overnight? Evidence from Rare Homicides Across America” Desmond Ang: “The Effects of Police Violence on Inner-City Students”
A8. Transmission of Shocks to Worker Compensation -- Studio C Chair:Kathryn Shaw,Stanford University Catherine Maclean, Stefan Pichler, andNicolas R. Ziebarth: “Mandated Sick Pay: Coverage, Utilization, and Substitution Effects” Grace Weishi Gu andEswar Prasad: “New Evidence on Cyclical Variation in Labor Costs in the U.S.” Chinhui Juhn, Kristin McCue, Brooks Pierce, and Kathryn Shaw: “Firm-level Shocks and the Volatility of Worker Earnings within Megafirms”
A9. Experimental and Quasiexperimental Evidence on the Role of Information -- Studio B Chair:Bryan Stuart,George Washington University Chiara Farronato,Andrey Fradkin, Bradley J. Larsen, and Erik Brynjolfsson: “Consumer Protection in an Online World: When Does Occupational Licensing Matter?” Oriana Bandiera,Vittorio Bassi,Robin Burgess, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman, and Anna Vitali: “The Mechanics of Job Search Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda” Daniel Roggerand Ravi Somani: “Hierarchy and Information”
9:30-10:00 Break
10:00-Noon: B Sessions
B1. Employment Protection -- Studio A Chair:Lawrence Kahn,Cornell University Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo, andBérengère Patault: “Are Pro-Worker Judges Detrimental to Firm Survival and Employment?” Diego Daruich, Sabrina Di Addario, andRaffaele Saggio: “The Effects of Partial Employment Protection Reforms: Evidence from Italy” Cristina Barcelóand Ernesto Villanueva: “The Risk of Job Loss, Household Formation and Housing Demand: Evidence from Differences in Severance Payments” Carl Magnus Bjuggren: “Does Job Security Hamper Employment Prospects?”
B2. Child Health Outcomes -- Salon 1 Chair:James Ziliak,University of Kentucky Melanie Lührmann andTanya Wilson: “Long-run Health and Mortality Effects of Exposure to Universal Health Care at Birth” Tamas Hajdu, Gabor Kertesi, Gabor Kezdi, Miklos Szabo, andÁgnes Szabó-Morvai: “The Effect of Neonatal Intensive Care Units on Neonatal and Infant Mortality: Evidence from 45 Years of Establishing and Operating a National Network” Helge Liebertand Beatrice Mäder: “Physician density and infant mortality: A semiparametric analysis of the returns to health care provision” Mariana Zerpa: “Short and Medium Run Impacts of Preschool Education: Evidence from State Pre-K Programs”
B3. Immigrants and Their Choices -- Salon 2 Chair:John Earle,George Mason University Cevat Giray Aksoyand Panu Poutvaara: “Self-selection of Refugees and Irregular Migrants” Agnese Romiti andEhsan Vallizadeh: “Risk Preferences, Market Risk and the Skill Structure of Immigrants” Catalina Amuedo-Dorantesand Esther Arenas-Arroyo: “Immigration Enforcement, Police Trust and Domestic Violence” Randall Akeeand Maggie R. Jones: “Return Migration and Immigrants' Earnings Growth: Examining their Determinants using Linked U.S. Administrative Data”
B4. Paid Family Leave -- Salon 3 Chair:Michael Baker,University of Toronto Sarah Bana, Kelly Bedard, Maya Rossin-Slater, and Jenna Stearns: “Unequal Use of Social Insurance Benefits: The Role of Employers” Anne A. Brenøe,Serena Canaan, Nikolaj A. Harmon, and Heather Royer: “Is Parental Leave Costly for Firms and Coworkers?” Rita Ginja,Arizo Karimi, and Pengpeng Xiao: “The Impact of Mandated Family Leave on Firms’ Productivity, Hiring Practices, and the Gender Wage Gap” Cecilia Machadoand Valdemar Pinho Neto: “The Labor Market Effects of Maternity Leave Extension”
B5. Careers -- Salon 5 Chair:Paul Oyer,Stanford University Ashna Arora andJonas Hjort: “The Career Impact of First Jobs: Evidence and Labor Market Design Lessons from Randomized Choice Sets” Minsub Kim: “Female Leadership and Gender Disparity: Findings from Academia” Lindsay Jacobsand Suphanit Piyapromdee: “Labor Force Transitions at Older Ages: Burnout, Recovery, and Reverse Retirement” Anders Frederiksen,Takao Kato, and Nina Smith: “Working Hours and Top Management Appointments: Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data”
B6. Financial aid programs and their consequences -- Salon 6 Chair:Daniel Herbst,University of Arizona Mehreen Gul: “Free Community College and Labor Market Outcomes” Ciprian Domnisoru: “Tuition Subsidies and Overeducation” Fulya Ersoy: “Medium-Run Effects of Student Loans on Debt Holdings” Breyon J. Williams: “Who Does Aid Help? Examining Heterogeneity in the Effect of Student Aid on Achievement”
B7. Determinants of Criminal Behavior -- Salon 7 Chair:Molly Schnell,Stanford University Brittany Street: “The Impact of Economic Opportunity on Criminal Behavior: Evidence from the Fracking Boom” Giulio Zanella: “Prison Work and Recidivism” Evan K. Rose andYotam Shem-Tov: “Does Incarceration Increase Crime?” Samuel Norris, Matthew Pecenco, and Jeffrey Weaver: “The Effects of Parental and Sibling Incarceration: Evidence from Ohio”
B8. Firms and Earnings I -- Studio C Chair:V. Joseph Hotz,Duke University Benjamin S. Smith:“The Role of Labor Market Entry and Exports in Sorting: Evidence from West Germany” Horng Chern Wong: “Wage Determination Across Employers” Benoit Dostieand Daniel Parent: “Changes in Wage and Productivity Inequalities in Canada over 2001-2011” Wenjing Duan andPedro S. Martins: “Rent sharing in China's manufacturing sector: A study of its magnitude, heterogeneity and drivers”
B9. Workers Transitions, Mismatch, and Labor Supply -- Studio B Chair:Mary Burke,Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Hie Joo Ahn andLeland D. Crane: “Dynamic Beveridge Curve Accounting” Rüdiger Bachmann, Christian Bayer, Christian Merkl, Stefan Seth,Heiko Stüber, and Felix Wellschmied: “Worker Churn and Employment Growth at the Establishment Level” Joyce K. Hahn, HenryR. Hyatt, and Hubert P. Janicki: “Job Ladders and Growth in Earnings, Hours, and Wages” Mary A. Burke,Alicia Sasser Modestino, Shahriar Sadighi, Rachel Sederberg, and Bledi Taska: “No Longer Qualified? Changes in the Supply and Demand for Skills within Occupations”
12:00-12:30 – LUNCH
Salon 4
12:30 – 1:15 Rees Lecture Nicholas A. Bloom,Stanford University “The Impact of Chinese Trade on U.S. Employment: The Good, the Bad, and the Apocryphal”
1:30-3:00 Poster Sessions
Studio E, Studio D
Check the instructions for poster presentations
The number beside your paper denotes the board placement. Look for a label on the poster board that corresponds to your paper.
I.1 Yukiko Asai: “Costs of Employment and Flexible Labor Demand: Evidence from Maternity and Parental Leave Reforms”
I.2 Anne Boringand Arnaud Philippe: “Reducing Discrimination through Norms or Information: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Student Evaluations of Teaching”
I.3 Fanny Landaud: “From Employment to Engagement? Stable Jobs, Temporary Jobs and Cohabiting Relationships”
I.4 Joanna Syrda: “Gender differences in reported relationship between spouses’ housework hours and relative income”
I.5Stéphanie Lluisand Brian McCall: “Spousal Labour Supply Adjustments”
I.6Rachel Baker, Tamma Carleton, Anthony D'Agostino, Michael Delgado, Timothy Foreman, Michael Greenstone, Trevor Houser, Solomon Hsiang, Andrew Hultgren, Amir Jina, Robert Kopp, Kelly McCusker, Ishan Nath, Matthew Pecenco, James Rising,Ashwin Rode, Justin Simcock, and Jiacan Yuan: “Labor Supply in a Warmer World: The Impact of Climate Change on the Global Workforce”
I.7Peter Gottschalk, Ji-Liang Shiu, andSisi Zhang: “Rising Household Income Inequality and Instability-- Putting the Pieces Together”
I.8Christopher Bollinger,Xiaozhou Ding, and Steven Lugauer: “The Expansion of Higher Education and Household Saving in China”
I.9Albert Park andXiaoyue Shan: “The Impact of Pension Availability on Old-age Support and Child Investment”
I.10Iftikhar Hussain: “Consumer Response to School Quality Information Shocks: Evidence From the Housing Market and Parents’ School Choices”
I.11Marie Connolly andCatherine Haeck: “Nonlinear Class Size Effects on Cognitive and Noncognitive Development of Young Children”
II.1 Kamila Cygan-Rehm: “Is additional schooling worthless? Revising the zero returns to compulsory schooling in Germany”
II.2Emma Gorman,Matthew Weldon, and Ian Walker: “The Long Run Effects of Attending a Preferred Secondary School: Evidence from an English Cohort”
II.3Mikko Silliman andHanna Virtanen: “Labor market returns to vocational secondary education”
II.4Valerie Bostwick,Stefanie Fischer, and Matthew Lang: “Semesters or Quarters? The Effect of the Academic Calendar on Postsecondary Student Outcomes”
II.5Ingo E. Isphording andUlf Zölitz: “The Value of a Peer A New Way to Quantify Individual Spillovers”
II.6Maria Zhu: “Limited Contracts, Limited Quality? Effects of Adjunct Instructors on Teaching Outcomes”
II.7Rosa Castro-Zarzur, Ricardo Espinoza, andMiguel Sarzosa: “Unintended Consequences of Free College: Self-Selection into the Teaching Profession”
II.8Kelly Chen, Zeynep Hansen, and Scott Lowe: “Why Do We Inflate Grades? The Effect of Adjunct Faculty Employment on Grading Practices”
II.9Amanda Griffith andVeronica Sovero: “Under Pressure: Grade Inflation by Academics”
II.10Arnaud Chevalier, Ingo E. Isphording, andElena Lisauskaite: “Diversity, Performance and Educational Choices”
II.11 Eric Nielsen: “Test Items, Outcomes, and Achievement Gaps”
II.12Philipp Lergetporer,Katharina Werner, and Ludger Woessmann: “Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap? Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments”
III.1Marie Connolly, Catherine Haeck. and David Lapierre: “Social Mobility Trends: Going up the Great Gatsby Curve”
III.2Yichen Su: “The Rising Value of Time and the Origin of Urban Gentrification”
III.3Neha Nanda, Carolyn Corea, Bruno Gasperini. Ann Middleton, and Andres Romualdo: “Evaluation of CareerSource North Central Florida’s Workforce Innovation Fund Grant: Startup Quest®”
III.4Marta Lachowska, Merve Meral, andStephen A. Woodbury: “The Long-Term Effects of Job Search Assistance for Displaced Workers”
III.5Octave De Brouwer, Elisabeth Leduc, andIlan Tojerow: “The Unexpected Consequences of Job Search Monitoring: Disability Instead of Employment?”
III.6Joanna Carroll: “The Effects of Unemployment Insurance Duration Generosity on Underemployment”
III.7Lu Jinks: “Why Paying More? An Analysis of Increases in Workers’ Compensation Indemnity Benefit”
III.8Hiroko Okudaira, Miho Takizawa, and Kenta Yamanouchi: “Minimum-Wage Effects Across Heterogeneous Markets”
III.9Breno Braga, Fredric Blavin,Anuj Gangopadhyaya, and Jason Gates: “The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Exposure to the Earned Income Tax Credit on Health Outcomes”
III.10Timothy N. Bond,Jillian B. Carr, Analisa Packham, and Jonathan Smith: “Hungry for Success? SNAP Timing, SAT Scores, and College Attendance”
III.11Dionissi Aliprantis, Hal Martin, andDavid Phillips: “Can Landlords Be Paid to Stop Avoiding Voucher Tenants?”
III.12 Debra Hevenstone: “Staggered Pension Contributions: Encouraging Age Discrimination?”
IV.1 Jed DeVaroand Oliver Gürtler: “Big Fish in Small (and Big) Ponds A Study of Careers”
IV.2Jeremy West: “Learning by Doing in Law Enforcement”
IV.4 Pamela Giustinelliand Matthew D. Shapiro: “SeaTE: Subjective ex ante Treatment Effect of Health on Retirement”
IV.5Elías Albagli, Gabriela Contreras, Matías Tapia, andJuan M. Wlasiuk: “Wage Cyclicality of New and Continuing Jobs”
IV.6Alena Bičáková,Guido Matias Cortes, and Jacopo Mazza: “Caught in the Cycle: Economic Conditions at Enrollment and Labor Market Outcomes of College Graduates”
IV.7Parag Mahajan andDhiren Patki: “Broader Impacts of Labor Market Entry During a Recession: Evidence from Germany”
IV.8Carlos Carrillo-Tudela,Fraser Summerfield, and Ludo Visschers: “Workers’ Task and Employer Mobility over the Business Cycle”
IV.9Bruce Fallick, John Haltiwanger, Erika McEntarfer, andMatthew Staiger: “Job-to-Job Flows and the Consequences of Job Separations”
IV.10Paul Bingley and Lorenzo Cappellari: “Workers, Firms and Life-Cycle Wage Dynamics”
IV.11J. David Brown, John S. Earle,Mee Jung Kim, and Kyung Min Lee: “What Makes a High-Growth Entrepreneur?”
IV.12Achim Schmillen,Matthias Umkehrer, and Till von Wachter: “Measurement Error in Longitudinal Earnings Data: Evidence for Germany”
IV.13Enda Patrick Hargadenand Barra Roantree: “Does Statutory Incidence Matter? Earnings Responses to Social Security Contributions”
3:00-5:00: C Sessions
C1. EITC -- Studio A Chair:Isaac Sorkin,Stanford University Hanchen Jiang: “The Earned Income Tax Credit, Maternal Labor Supply, and Child Skill Formation” Ann Huff Stevens, Chloe East, andJessamyn Schaller: “The Dynamics of Earned Income Tax Credit Eligibility” Maggie R. Jonesand James P. Ziliak: “The Antipoverty Impact of the EITC: New Estimates from Survey and Administrative Tax Records” Jacob Bastianand Maggie R. Jones: “Do EITC Expansions Pay for Themselves? Effects on Tax Revenue and Public Assistance Spending”
C2. Childhood Interventions and Child Outcomes -- Salon 1 Chair:Alicia Modestino,Northeastern University Sarah Cattan, Gabriella Conti,Christine Farquharson, and Rita Ginja: “The health effects of early interventions: Evidence from Sure Start” Jonathan Gruber,Kristiina Huttunen, and Tuomas Kosonen: “Home Care or Formal Day Care? The Effect of Home Care Allowance on Child Outcomes” Emma Gorman, Colm Harmon, Silvia Mendolia, Anita Staneva, andIan Walker: “The Causal Effects of School Bullying Victimisation as an Adolescent and Later Life Outcomes” Kelsey V. Roberts: “Fostering Better Educational Outcomes in Youth”
C3. Immigration Effects on Host Country Labor Markets -- Salon 2 Chair:Francine Blau,Cornell University Osborne Jackson, “The Impact of Migration on Earnings Inequality” J. David Brown, Misty L. Heggeness, Suzanne M. Dorinski, Lawrence Warren, Moises Yi: “Understanding the Quality of Alternative Citizenship Data Sources for the 2020 Census” Chloe N. East andAndrea Velasquez: “The Effects of Increasing Immigration Enforcement on the Labor Supply of High-Skilled Native Women” Delia Furtadoand Francesc Ortega: “Do Immigrant Inflows Improve Quality of Care in Nursing Homes?”
C4. Family Economics -- Salon 3 Chair: Julie Hotchkiss,Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Tomáš Lichard,Filip Pertold and Samuel Škoda: “Do women face glass ceiling at home? Division of household work among dual-earner couples” Dara Leeand Purvi Sevak: “Child Disability, Maternal Labor Supply, and Household Well-Being” Pierre-André Chiappori,David Ong, Yu (Alan) Yang and Junsen Zhang: “Marrying up: Trading off spousal income and height” Pallavi Vyas: “Can the Rise in Women's Wage Premia Explain the Fall in Teen Birth Rates?”
C5. Personnel Economics I -- Salon 5 Chair:Ann Bartel,Columbia University Jeffrey Clemens,Joshua D. Gottlieb, and Jeffrey Hicks: “Do Medicare Payments Influence Physicians' On-the-Job Investments?” Tavis Barr,Raicho Bojilov, Kate Gautier, and Lalith Munasinghe: “The Value of Interviewers: Machines Can't Sell Offers” David Huffman, Collin Raymond, and Julia Shvets: “Persistent Overconfidence and Biased Memory in a Tournament Incentive System” Teng Li andRunjing Lu: “Symbolic Awards at Work: A Regression Discontinuity Design”
C6. College Enrollment -- Salon 6 Chair:Robert Fairlie,University of California, Santa Cruz Joshua Goodman, Oded Gurantz, Jonathan Smith: “Take Two! SAT Retaking and College Enrollment Gaps” Joshua Rasmussen,V. Joseph Hotz, and Emily E. Wiemers: “Black-White Differences in the Parental Role of Income and Wealth in College Attendance and Financing” Emily E. Cookand Sarah Turner: “Missed Exams and Lost Opportunities: Who Could Gain from Expanded College Admission Testing?” Ana Figueiredo: “Information Frictions in Education and Inequality”
C7. Flash Session I: Workplace Regulation, Wages, and Productivity -- Salon 7 Chair:Ian Schmutte,University of Georgia Ling Li: “The Effect of Demand Shocks on Workplace Safety and Worker Productivity: Evidence from the Acid Rain Program” León Fernández Bujanda andBrenda Samaniego de la Parra: “The Effects of Labor Regulation Monitoring on Hiring, Layoffs, and Wages: Matthew B. Ross, Akina Ikudo, Joseph Staudt, Bruce A. Weinberg, and Julia I. Lane: “Skills and Spills: Pathways from Research to Innovation” Evidence from Mexico” Aysenur Acar,Laurent Bossavie, and Mattia Makovec: “Do Firms Exit the Formal Economy after a Minimum Wage Hike? Evidence from a Developing Country” Sebastian Link: “The Price and Employment Response of Firms to the Introduction of Minimum Wages” Peter Brummund: “How Do Restaurants Pay For the Minimum Wage?” Christopher R. Bollinger,Charles Hokayem, and James P. Ziliak: “Trends in Earnings Volatility using Linked Administrative and Survey Data” Shmuel San: “Labor Supply and Directed Technical Change: Evidence from a Natural Experiment”
C8. Firms and Earnings II -- Studio C Chair:Chinhui Juhn,University of Houston Tania Babina, Wenting Ma, Paige Ouimet, andRebecca Zarutskie: “Entrepreneurial Wages” Javier Miranda, Kristin Sandusky, andMartha Stinson: “The Career Implications of Start-up Work Experience” Jaime Arellano-Bover: “Career Consequences of Firm Heterogeneity for Young Workers: First Job and Firm Size” Attila Lindner, Balázs Muraközy, and Balázs Reizer: “Skill-Biased Innovation Activities: Evidence from Hungarian Firms”
C9. Trade and Foreign Direct Investment -- Studio B Chair:Charlie Brown,University of Michigan David Autor,Tuomas Kosonen, Matti Sarvimäki, and Tuomo Virkola: “Foreign Ownership, Skill Demand and Compensation” Rui Costa, Swati Dhingra, Stephen Machin: “Trade and Worker Deskilling” Jérôme Adda andYarine Fawaz: “The Health Toll of Import Competition”
5:30-6:00 Presentations & Awards
6:00-7:00 Presidential Address
Katharine G. Abraham,University of Maryland “Measuring and Monitoring Non-Employee Work”
Salon 4
7:00 Cocktail Reception
Prefunction Space
Saturday, May 4
7:00 Breakfast
Salon 4
8:00-9:30 D Sessions:
D1. Disability Insurance -- Studio A Chair:Joshua Goodman,Harvard University Ragnar Hjellset Alne:“Economic incentives, disability insurance and labor supply” Andreas Haller, Stefan Staubli, and Josef Zweimüller: “Tightening Disability Screening Or Reducing Disability Benefits? Evidence and Welfare Implications” Siha Lee: “Household Responses to Disability Shocks: Spousal Labor Supply, Caregiving, and Disability Insurance”
D2. Childhood Development II -- Salon 1 Chair:Josh Kinsler,University of Georgia Emilia Del Bono, Josh Kinsler, andRonni Pavan: “Maternal Emotional Well-being and Child Development” Gloria Moroni, Cheti Nicoletti, and Emma Tominey: “Child Socio-emotional Skills: The role of parents in helping the children left behind” Shuqiao Sun: “Dynamic Complementarities Very Early in Life: Family Planning, Early Childhood Education, and Lifetime Human Capital”
D3. Impact of immigrants on innovation, firm creation -- Salon 2 Chair:J. David Brown,U.S. Census Bureau Onur Altındağ, Ozan Bakis, andSandra Rozo:“Blessing or Burden? The Impact of Refugees on Businesses and the Informal Economy” Parag Mahajan: “Firm-Level Responses to Immigration: The Extensive Margin” J. David Brown,John S. Earle, Mee Jung Kim, and Kyung Min Lee: “Are Immigrants More Innovative? An Analysis of High-Tech Entrepreneurs”
D4. Parent Penalty -- Salon 3 Chair:Marie Connolly,University of Quebec in Montreal YoonKyung Chung, Barbara Downs,Danielle H. Sandler, and Robert Sienkiewicz: “The Parental Gender Earnings Gap in the United States” Philip Rosenbaum: “Gender Earnings Gap: A Household or a Labor Market Problem?” Martin Eckho Andresen andEmily Nix: “What Causes the Child Penalty? Evidence from Same Sex Couples and Policy Reforms”
D5. Gig Employment -- Salon 5 Chair:Bruce Fallick,Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Katharine G. Abraham, John C. Haltiwanger, Kristin Sandusky, andJames R. Spletzer: “Driving the Gig Economy” Brett Collins,Andrew Garin, Emilie Jackson, Dmitri Koustas, and Mark Payne: “Understanding the Trend in U.S. Alternative Work Arrangements: Evidence from Tax Data” Dmitri K. Koustas: “Consumption Insurance and Multiple Jobs: Evidence from Rideshare Drivers”
D6. Higher Ed Outcomes II -- Salon 6 Chair:Jamin Speer,University of Memphis Andrew Footeand Kevin Stange: “Migration from Sub-National Administrative Data: Problems and Solutions with an Application to Higher Education” Jeffrey T. Denning, Eric R. Eide, and Merrill Warnick: “Why Have College Completion Rates Increased?” Judd B. Kessler,Corinne Low, and Colin D. Sullivan: “Incentivized Resume Rating: Eliciting Employer Preferences without Deception” D7. Opioids -- Salon 7 Chair:Rania Gihleb,University of Pittsburgh Molly Schnell: “Physician Behavior in the Presence of a Secondary Market: The Case of Prescription Opioids” Paige Ouimet, Elena Simintzi, and Kailei Ye: “The Opioid Epidemic and Firm Investment” Rania Gihleb, Osea Giuntella, andNing Zhang: “The Effect of Mandatory Access Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Foster Care Admissions”
D8. Income and Consumption Dynamics -- Studio C Chair:Steven Haider,Michigan State University Sheng Guo,Jonathan Skinner, and Stephen P. Zeldes: “Inattentive Households and Consumption Declines During Retirement” Dmytro Hryshkoand Iourii Manovskii: “Income Dynamics and Consumption Insurance” John Coglianeseand Brendan M. Price: “Household Adaptation to Seasonal Earnings Losses”
D9. Learning from History -- Studio B Chair:W. Bentley MacLeod,Columbia University Torsten Santavirta, Jan Stuhler, and Ilkka Jokipii: “The Informative Content of Names: Intergenerational Evidence from the Longitudinal Veteran Database” Constantin Yanellisand Luke Stein: “Financial Inclusion, Human Capital, and Wealth Accumulation: Evidence from the Freedman's Savings Bank” Ellora Derenoncourt: “Can you move to opportunity? Evidence from the Great Migration”
9:30-10:00 Break
10:00-Noon: E Sessions:
E1. Affordable Care Act -- Studio A Chair:Bruce Meyer,University of Chicago Maggie Shi: “Job Lock and Dependent Health Insurance: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act” Kyung Min Lee: “Medicaid and the Supply of Entrepreneurs: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act” Marcus Dillender: “How Did the ACA's Medicaid Expansion Affect the Demand for Health Care Workers? Evidence from Vacancy Postings” Anne Fitzpatrickand Katie Fitzpatrick: “Health Insurance and High Cost Borrowing: The Effect of Medicaid on Pawn Loans, Payday Loans, and other Non-Bank Financial Products” E2. Experimental Estimates of Education Production Functions in Developing Countries -- Salon 1 Chair:Jeff Smith,University of Wisconsin Damien de Walque andChristine Valente: Incentivizing School Attendance in the Presence of Parent-Child Information Frictions Isaac Mbiti, Mauricio Romero, and Youdi Schipper: “The Challenge of Designing Effective Teacher Performance Pay Programs: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania” Pedro Carneiro,Yyannu Cruz-Aguayo, and Norbert Schady: “Experimental Estimates of Education Production Functions: Sensitive Periods and Dynamic Complementarity” Daniel O. Gilligan, Naureen Karachiwalla, Ibrahim Kasirye, Adrienne M. Lucas, andDerek Neal: “Educator Incentives and Educational Triage in Rural Primary Schools”
E3. Discrimination I -- Salon 2 Chair:Conrad Miller,University of California, Berkeley Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin, and Steven Raphael: “Racial Disparity and Arrests: Did California's Recent Criminal Justice Reforms Affect Jail Bookings?” A. R. Shariq Mohammed: “Designing for Racial Impartiality: The Impact of Relocating Host Photos on the Airbnb Website” Gregorio Caetano andHugh Macartney: “What Determines School Segregation? The Crucial Role of Neighborhood Factors” Peter Hinrichs: “Affirmative Action and Racial Segregation”
E4. Experimental evidence on gender differences in labor market outcomes -- Salon 3 Chair:Nicole Fortin,University of British Columbia Patricia Cortes, Jessica Pan, and Basit Zafar: “Information Provision and Gender Differences in Negotiation: Evidence from Business Majors” RobertFairlie, Glenn Millhauser, Daniel Oliver, and Randa Roland: “A New Generation of Female Scientists? Gender Interactions in Gateway Chemistry Labs” Rania Gihleb, Rachel Landsman, Lise Vesterlund: “Banning Negotiation: Is wage dispersion maintained when left to manager discretion?” Sydnee Caldwell: “Monopsony and the Gender Wage Gap: Experimental Evidence from the Gig Economy”
E5. Monopsony and Non-competes -- Salon 5 Chair:Michael Ransom,Brigham Young University Matthew S. Johnsonand Michael Lipsitz: “Why are Low-Wage Workers Signing Noncompete Agreements?” Anna Sokolova andTodd Sorensen: “Monopsony in Labor Markets: A Meta-Analysis” Matthew S. Johnson, Kurt Lavetti, andMichael Lipsitz: “The Impact of Noncompete Agreements on Earnings” Elizabeth Weber Handwerkerand Matthew Dey: “Megafirms and Monopsonists: Not the same employers, not the same workers”
E6. Peer Effects -- Salon 6 Chair:Michael Insler,U.S. Naval Academy Michael A. Insler,Ahmed S. Rahman, and Katherine A. Smith: “Herding: A Theory and Some Evidence from College Major Selections” Nicolás de Roux andEvan Riehl: “Isolating peer effects in the returns to college selectivity” Simone Balestra, Beatrix Eugster, and Helge Liebert: “The Short- and Long-Run Impact of Peers with Special Needs” Petra Thiemann: “The Persistent Effects of Short-Term Peer Groups in Higher Education”
E7. Flash Session II: Families and Gender -- Salon 7 Chair:Nuria Rodriguez-Planas,City University of New York Lauren Hoehn-Velascoand Jacob Penglase: “The Impact of Unilateral Divorce in Mexico: Bargaining Power and Labor Supply” Dario Sansone: “Pink Work: Same-Sex Marriage, Employment and Discrimination” Daniel Fernandez Kranz,Jennifer Roff, and Hugette Sun: “Divorce Law and Fathers' Economic Incentives: the Impact of Custody and Child Support Policy on Children's Human Capital” Astrid Kunzeand Xingfei Liu: “Universal Child Care for the Youngest and Maternal Labour Supply” Astrid Kunze andXingfei Liu: “Flexible Work Arrangements for Mothers” Serena Canaan andPierre Mouganie: “Female Science Advisors and the STEM Gender Gap” Amanda Chuan: “Non-College Occupations and the Gender Gap in College Enrollment”
E8. Occupations and Skills -- Studio C Chair:John Coglianese,Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Gary Benedetto,Julia Manzella, and Evan Totty: “A Task-based Approach to Constructing Occupational Categories with Implications for Empirical Research in Labor Economics” Jeffrey T. Denning, Brian A. Jacob,Lars Lefgren, and Christian vom Lehn: “The Return to Hours Worked Within and Across Occupations” Jennifer Hunt andRyan Nunn: “Is Employment Polarization Informative About Wage Inequality and Is Employment Really Polarizing?” Fernando Saltiel andSergio Urzúa: “Firms as Mediators of the Returns to Pre-Labor Market Skills”
E9. Automation and Robots -- Studio B Chair:James Spletzer,U. S. Bureau of the Census Guido Matias Cortes andDiego M. Morris: “Are Routine Jobs Moving South? Evidence from Changes in the Occupational Structure of Employment in the U.S. and Mexico” Sabrina Genz, Markus Janser, and Florian Lehmer: “The Impact of Investments in New Digital Technologies on Wages – Worker-level Evidence from Germany” Shuaizhang Feng andXiaoyu Xia: “Endogenous skill-biased technology adoption: Evidence from China's college enrollment expansion program” Osea Giuntellaand Tianyi Wang: “Is an Army of Robots Marching on Chinese Jobs?”
12:00-1:30 LUNCH
Fellows Lecture Hilary Hoynes,University of California, Berkeley “Safety Net Investments in Children: Long-Run Effects of SNAP”
1:30-3:30 F Sessions:
F1. Social Safety Net -- Studio A Chair:Ioana Marinescu,University of Pennsylvania Jeehoon Han: “The Impact of SNAP Work Requirements on Labor Supply” Simon Jäger, Benjamin Schoefer,Samuel Young, and Josef Zweimüller: “Wages and the Value of Nonemployment” Ioana Marinescu andDaphné Skandalis: “Unemployment Insurance and Job Search Behavior” Bruce D. Meyer, Derek Wu, Victoria Mooers, and Carla Medalia: “The Use and Misuse of Income Data and the Rarity of Extreme Poverty in the United States”
F2. Youth Outcomes -- Salon 1 Chair:Jeffrey Grogger,University of Chicago Stephen B. Billingsand Mark Hoekstra: “Schools, Neighborhoods, and the Long-Run Effect of Crime-Prone Peers” Olivier De Groote:“A Dynamic Model of Effort Choice in High School” Jesse Bruhn: “The Consequences of Sorting for Understanding School Quality” Carolina Caetano,Gregorio Caetano, and Eric Nielsen: “"Should Children Do More Enrichment Activities?”
F3. Geography of Labor Markets -- Salon 2 Chair:Kevin Rinz,U.S. Census Bureau Enghin Atalay, Sebastian Sotelo, andDaniel Tannenbaum:“Specialization, the extent of the market, and the geography of job tasks” MikeZabek: “Local Ties in Spatial Equilibrium” Bernardus Van Doornik, Armando Gomes,David Schoenherr, and Janis Skrastins: “Mobility Constraints and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Credit Lotteries” Jørn Rattsøand Hildegunn E. Stokke: “Wage inequality: College premium, economic geography, and private-public sector”
F4. Gender and Wages -- Salon 3 Chair:Lars Lefgren,Brigham Young University David Jaume andAlexander Willén: “Oh Mother: The Neglected Impact of School Disruptions” Thomas Le Barbanchon, Roland Rathelot, andAlexandra Roulet: “Gender Differentials in Commute and the Gender Reservation Wage Gap” Morten Bennedsen, Elena Simintzi,Margarita Tsoutsoura, and Daniel Wolfenzon: “Do firms respond to gender pay gap transparency?” Juan Pablo Chauvin: “Gender-Segmented Labor Markets and the Effects of Local Demand Shocks”
F5. Personnel Economics II -- Salon 5 Chair:Leland Crane,Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Xavier Giné,Ghazala Mansuri, and Slesh A. Shrestha: “Mission and the Bottom Line: Performance Incentives in a Multigoal Organization” Sangyoon Park: “Heterogeneous Peers at Work: Evidence from Randomized Peer Assignments in the Workplace” Christopher Cornwell,Ian M. Schmutte, and Daniela Scur: “Picking from the Top or Shedding the Bottom? Personnel Management, Worker Quality, and Firm Productivity” Aaron Phipps: “Personnel Contracts with Production Uncertainty: Theory and Evidence from Teacher Performance Incentives”
F6. Higher Education/Choice of Major -- Salon 6 Chair:Joseph Altonji,Yale University Fernando Saltiel: “What's Math Got to Do With It? Multidimensional Ability and the Gender Gap in STEM” Lina Aldénand Emma Neuman: “Culture and the gender gap in major choice: An analysis using sibling comparisons” Riley K. Acton: “Do Students Demand In-Demand Programs? Evidence from Community Colleges” Richard W. Patterson, Nolan G. Pope, and Aaron Feudo: “Timing Is Everything: Evidence from College Major Decisions”
F7. Empirical Methods -- Salon 7 Chair:Christopher Taber,University of Wisconsin, Madison Yusuke Narita: “Toward an Ethical Experiment” Samuel Norris: “Judicial Errors: Evidence from Refugee Appeals” Peter M. Aronow, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, andIsaac Sorkin: “Why You Probably Shouldn't Use Simulated Instruments, and What You Can (Sometimes) Do Instead” Melvin Stephens Jr. andSteven J. Haider: “Correcting for Misclassified Binary Regressors Using Instrumental Variables”
F8. Rent Sharing -- Studio C Chair:Andrew Garin,Harvard University Wenting Ma: “Market Power, Finance Wage and Inequality” Brian Bell,Paweł Bukowski, and Stephen Machin: “Falling Inclusive Growth? Evidence from Changing Rent Sharing” Alex Xi Heand Daniel le Maire: “Mergers and Managers: Manager-Specific Wage Premiums and Rent Extraction in M&As” Elliott Ash,W. Bentley MacLeod, Suresh Naidu: “The Language of Contract: Promises and Power in Union Collective Bargaining Agreements”
F9. Information and Matching -- Studio B Chair:John Abowd,Cornell University Matteo Bobba,Luca Flabbi, Santiago Levy, and Mauricio Tejada: “Labor Market Search, Informality, and On-The-Job Human Capital Accumulation” Jonathan M. V. Davis: “The Short and Long Run Impacts of Centralized Clearinghouses: Evidence from Matching Teach for America Teachers to Schools” Antoine Bertheau, Pierre Cahuc, and Simon Jäger: “Identifying Core Parameters of Labor Market Models: Evidence from Unexpected Worker Separations” Riley Wilson: “Moving to Jobs: The Role of Information in Migration Decisions”
3:30-4:00 Break
4:00-5:30: G Sessions
G1. Minimum Wages -- Studio A Chair:Michael Reich,University of California, Berkeley Jose Azar,Emiliano Huet-Vaughn, Ioana Marinescu, Bledi Taska, and Till von Wachter: “Labor Market Concentration and Minimum Wage Employment Effects” Anna Godøy, Sylvia Allegretto, and Michael Reich: “Parental Labor Supply: Evidence from Minimum Wage Changes” Martha J. Bailey, John DiNardo, andBryan A. Stuart: “The Economic Impact of a High National Minimum Wage: Evidence from the 1966 Fair Labor Standards Act”
G2. Early Childhood Education and Its Effects -- Salon 1 Chair:Riley Wilson,Brigham Young University John A. List,Fatemeh Momeni, and Yves Zenou: “Are Measures of Early Education Programs Too Pessimistic? Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment” Michihito Ando, Hiroaki Mori, ShintaroYamaguchi: “Effects of Universal Early Childhood Education on Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes” Jocelyn Wikleand Riley Wilson: “The 1990s Head Start Expansion and the Employment Decisions of Single Mothers”
G3. Discrimination II -- Salon 2 Chair:Kenneth Troske,University of Kentucky Jeffrey Grogger, Andreas Steinmayr, and Joachim Winter: “The Wage Penalty of Regional Accents” Jhacova Williams: “Confederate Streets and Black-White Labor Market Differentials” Alexander W. Bartikand Scott T. Nelson: “Credit Reports as Résumés: The Incidence of Pre-Employment Credit Screening”
G4. Nature versus Nurture -- Salon 3 Chair:Robert Moffitt,Johns Hopkins University Paul Bingley, Lorenzo Cappellari, andKonstantinos Tatsiramos: “Families and the inheritance of inequality: Evidence from the children of twins” Michael Bakerand Kirsten Cornelson: “The Tall and the Short of the Returns to Height” Melanie Borah andChristine Lücke: “Is a Sorrow Shared a Sorrow Doubled? The Effect of Parental Job Loss on Adolescent Children’s Life Satisfaction”
G5. Gender Differences in Career Progression -- Salon 5 Chair:Takao Kato,Colgate University Nicolo Dalvit, Aseem Patel andJoanne Tan: “Intra-firm hierarchies and gender gaps” Laura Hospido, Luc Laeven, and Ana Lamo: “Gender and Career Progression in Male-Dominated Organisations” Ryan Brown,Hani Mansour, Stephen D. O'Connell, and James Reeves: “Gender Differences in Political Career Progression: Evidence from U.S. Elections”
G6. Education Infrastructure -- Salon 6 Chair:Derek Neal,University of Chicago Daniel Aaronson,Mark Borgschulte, and Bhashkar Mazumder: “Schooling and Political Activism in the Early Civil Rights Era” Julien Lafortuneand David Schönholzer: “Do School Facilities Matter? Measuring the Effects of Capital Expenditures on Student and Neighborhood Outcomes” Richard Akresh, Daniel Halim, andMarieke Kleemans: “Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia”
G7. Crime and Punishment -- Salon 7 Chair:Desmond Ang,Harvard Kennedy School CarlyWill Sloan: “Racial Bias by Prosecutors” Cody Tuttle: “Racial Discrimination in Federal Sentencing: Evidence from Drug Mandatory Minimums” Nicholas Lovettand Yuhan Xue: “Do Greater Sanctions Deter Youth Crime? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design”
G8. Wage Distribution -- Studio C Chair:Henry Farber,Princeton University Christian Moser, Farzad Saidi, and Benjamin Wirth: “The Effects of Credit Supply on Wage Inequality between and within Firms” Sydnee Caldwell andOren Danieli: “Outside Options in the Labor Market” Nicole M. Fortin, Thomas Lemieux, and Neil Lloyd: “Labor Market Institutions and the Distribution of Wages: The Role of Spillover Effects” G9. Labor Market Conditions -- Studio B Chair:Marcus Dillender,W. E. Upjohn Institute Julie L. HotchkissandRobert E. Moore: “Some Like it Hot: Assessing Longer-term Labor Market Benefits from a High-Pressure Economy” Christina Gathmann, Kristiina Huttunen,Laura Jernström, and Robin Stitzing: “Job Loss and Health Spillovers in the Family” Hannes Schwandtand Till von Wachter: “Socio-economic Decline and Death: Midlife Impacts of Graduating in a Recession”
The conference is over at 5:30. There are no closing events.
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